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President Zheng Wentang Attended the Inauguration and Signing Ceremony of Sino-Polish University Consortium


President Zheng Wentang attended the inauguration and signing ceremony of Sino-Polish University Consortium under the “One Belt One Road” Initiative on 21st, March, and signed the letter of intent on behalf of NCUT together with other university representatives from China and the other countries.

President Zheng Wentang delivered a speech, through which he gave a brief introduction of our school and the communication achievements with Polish universities. Besides, he expressed the wishes to further enlarge and strengthen the cooperation and exchange with Polish universities and offered some suggestions on how to promote related work.

President Zheng Wentang and vice president Shen Zhili exchanged views with vice president Krzysztof Lewenstein and International Affair principal representative Teresa Zielinska from our sister school---Warsaw University of Technology, reaching a consensus on issues like enlarging academic exchanges and lecturing between teachers, sending more exchange students and carrying out“2+2”joint training programs.

Sino-Polish University Consortium is an active response towards the “One Belt and One Road”Initiative and a thorough implementation of related governmental documents. Launched by Beijing Municipality, Chongqing Municipality and certain Polish universities, the inauguration meeting was held in Beijing University of Technology. Over 50 people have attended the meeting, including leaders of 23 universities from the above mentioned regions and authorities from international department of education commission in Beijing and Chongqing.